GlobalFit Wellness Blog

When was the last time you played?

Written by Jordi Wallen | Dec 17, 2019 9:48:01 PM

Playing isn't just for kids.

A lack of play makes adults “more vulnerable to depression, anxiety, impulsivity and sedentarism.”1

Benefits of playfulness

What do you think of when we talk about playing outside? Most likely you’re seeing a playground in your mind and thinking, “I'm too old for that.” But what if we told you that the act of playing is crucial to your social, psychological, behavioral, and biological health, and you don't have to touch any playground equipment? We’re all busy with tons of obligations, but “adults do not need to forsake their responsibilities to enjoy the life-enhancing benefits of play."1 What are some of the benefits?

  • Flexibility- Using your joints and muscles in new, experimental ways
  • Problem Solving- Overcoming new and unique obstacles, both physically and mentally
  • Imagination- Creating exciting new thoughts and ideas
  • Three-Dimensional Thinking- Interacting with different planes and landscapes

The mission of playtime, to give you a place to appreciate nature, exercise, imagination, creativity and fun, is especially relevant for us right now. Multigenerational playtime gives adults the chance to be active alongside of their kids and to feed off of their carefree energy. What are the perks of getting outside with the youngsters?

  • It’s Fun!- Being able to revert to a childlike sense of imagination and creativity is fun and helps release some of your built-up stress.
  • Motivation- Exercising with your young people is a good motivation for keeping up your physical fitness and energy. 
  • Fresh Air- You’re breathing in fresh oxygen and soaking up the Vitamin D. Fresh air boosts your immune system, busts stress, and provides energy.
  • No Judgement- There’s no one judging you or dictating how you move your body.

You don't need to go into public spaces right now to enjoy some quality playtime. Move the party out to the front lawn, (safely) into your street, or even open up your windows so fresh air and sunlight can flow through while you're playing indoors.