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The Wellness Word, Powered by GlobalFit

Lessons the Fitness Industry Can Teach You About Building Relationships

You don't have to be a traditional gym-goer to understand. If you've ever browsed Instagram or Facebook, read any lifestyle...

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Tags: Fitness, Employers

What Does a Dietitian Eat? Volume II
GlobalFit’s subsidiary, The CHARGE Group, is an organization of Registered Dietitians who perform personalized corporate...

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Tags: Nutrition

Work From Home? Here's How to be a Healthier Remote Employee
Today, 4.7 million Americans work remotely- that's 3.4% of the population. If you've never worked from home you may think it's...

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Tags: Fitness, Mindfulness

Invisible Illness and the Office Environment
Health isn't one-size-fits-all. We can't all hit the genetic jackpot and have perfect teeth, a flat stomach, and zero seasonal...

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Tags: Employers, Health Education

Choice Architecture: How to Create a Healthier Workspace
Every day you have a thousand decisions to make. From the time you wake up to the time you fall asleep you are making choices...

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Tags: Mindfulness

There IS a Wrong Way to Wellness

If you ever thought you couldn’t do something (we’ve all been there), did someone threatening you inspire you to take the action?...

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Tags: Employers

The Key to Your Fitness Routine Isn't Motivation

No hacks, just habits.

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Tags: Fitness, Mindfulness

Napping: Helpful or Harmful?
By Jordi Wallen On February 18, 2020

Napping: Helpful or Harmful?

Nap breaks are becoming a popular topic among HR departments lately. Even Willis Towers Watson is reporting on the importance of...

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Tags: Health Education, Mindfulness

Can Stress Physically Hurt?
By Jordi Wallen On February 11, 2020

Can Stress Physically Hurt?

For years we've been referring to stress as the "silent killer." In actuality, your body is screaming symptoms at you to...

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Tags: Health Education

Employee Health Spotlight: Kevin Hagamin
GlobalFit interviewed employees of all ages and identities to learn about how they live our mission of maintaining a healthy...

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Tags: Employee Spotlight

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